Monday, August 22, 2011

Let it snow...

Sorry for the delay with the letter but we were doing things today for p day and we ended up being pretty far away from our sector and we just got done looking and walking around so I was pretty tired so we tried coming back to the sector and ended up waiting so long for a bus to take us back; we by the way are the only sector in the zone that has to take micros (buses) and so we were waiting forever so we finally got to the computer place and I couldn't log on for the longest time cause apparently somebody was already on my e-mail account so that kind of made me frustrated but I'm here now so it's all good.

I can't believe that Dad got released from the bishopric; it's crazy to think that he was serving for 4 and half years, doesn't even seem so. I'm excited to see how he takes it; I think he will do really well. I always looked at bro. Bennion and Dad as very great and inspiring teachers for the youth. It's was funny when you said that as people get older it gets hard for them to change and I have found that it's so true because we are teaching a family right now where none of them believe in God, and the son doesn't believe in anything and I could tell that it could be hard to teach them because they have been raised with those belief's but that's why the spirit is the only one that can change people. We went over their this Sunday and we had a really good lesson, I got to know them and they seemed like a really united family and so I focused on families and I really felt the Spirit while teaching them and I could tell that the family was curious when I talked about how the relationships that they have as a family can last forever and that we are not only here to live and die and cease to exist, that God has a plan for the families. I almost felt like crying just thinking how comforting and peaceful it is to know I can be with my family forever. I really think they understood and felt the Spirit as I taught them. So yes only the Spirit can change us even if it's a difficult change.

This week has been a good one, it's been hard because the only people we are teaching can only be taught at night so it's kind of hard, but they are progressing and reading but the only thing that is hard is to get them to come to church, it's the most frustrating thing when you have people promise you and just are so close to being able to be baptized but then none of them show up. We actually are, for right now at least, working with less actives and they are going to church and they love when they come to church. But for this past week it's been kind of hard because our investigators are at bay but so close at the same time.

This last week was also hard because it got colder here than any other time since I have been here in Chile and it actually snowed. The city where I am at is called Puente Alto and they say that it hasn't snowed for 3 years but on Wednesday it did which made it hard too because we would go by people's houses or knock doors and people would say oh I would love to have you come in but it's too cold, come back another day. So yeah it kind of sucked for us because nobody would let us in. Harsh huh? But I got some cool pictures of the mountains with tons of snow on it so that was cool. They also cancelled mutual that day because it was too cold, and what was funny is that it wasn't really even that cold. I guess they are just not used to it.

I love being a part of this work though, it is hard and requires many spiritual attributes and spiritual help but it's all worth it. I love being an instrument in the hands of the Lord. Doing it right brings one of the greatest satisfactions.

I love you all and am thankful for all your prayers, I feel them each day and I know your all rooting for me every step of the way.

I love you all, stay strong
Con Amor.
Elder Pedersen

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